Frequently Asked Questions

By direct and continuous meeting and by analysis of our Customer satisfaction form.

As we are horizontal organization we mainly use the direct contact with all our staff.

By training form evaluation and business results.

Mainly through measuring customer satisfaction and business results.

We were certified by ISO 9001-94 ( for 6 years ) which indicates that our R & D department is highly qualified . We are certified now by the new ISO 9001-2000.

Based on our customers & market needs we always keep searching for technical support by know how transfer with international company , receiving free lancer consultants and training ( locally and abroad )

Through : – Quality control department , R& D department .

Using and audit the customer order form, we insure day by day process requirement

According to ISO requirements we deliver product to customer within acceptable time, verified by customer order form .

Market needs are our data base for start design and product